Thursday, January 31, 2008

Red Shirt

Oil on canvas panel

I applied the "least amount of brush strokes as possible" approach to painting this figure.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pumpkin & Urn

Oil on canvas panel

This was another exercise we did in Peggi's workshop - use the least amount of strokes as possible. This exercise is terrific - I love yummy thick texture and visible brushwork, so this was a real breakthrough for me. Now, I try to use this approach as much as possible.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I took a one-week painting class with Peggi Kroll-Roberts at the Fredericksburg Artists' School in TX at the beginning of January. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much. Peggi is a wonderful teacher and I finally got the "mask your shadows" concept! We would start out with 10 minute 2-value warm-ups. I loved this exercise and plan to start every painting this way!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Holiday Gallery

16"x20" oil on stretched canvas

I painted this the week before Christmas while I was on staffing duty. I originally planned to add another layer of paint, however, being away from it for while, I don't think it needs it. Maybe I'll continue to work on it at some point, but it feels completed to me as is.