Friday, September 28, 2007

Basket o' Strawberries

6"x6" Oil on stretched canvas

This is the second installment of my "Basket o' Berries" series (the first is "Basket o' Blueberries" posted on 9/18). I painted this with a palette knife and am delighted with the yummy texture.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alameda Point

7.75"x5" Watercolor on paper

I was going through my portfolios and came across some pieces I did a couple of years ago. I've always loved the look of pen and watercolor, especially on small pieces. I painted this in about 45 minutes during a visit to Alameda Point (ex Naval Air Base Alameda). I think the composition works well in this little piece.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fayerweather Hall

6"x6" Acrylic on masonite

If you are a student or alum of Amherst College, I hope you recognize this building. I'm happy with the architectural elements I as able to capture. I have a rosewood frame this little painting will fit into and looks wonderful.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ideas for "Salty"

Here are some sketches for "Salty" which will be a complement to "Sweet". There are so many salt shakers to choose from! This is an idea, I kind of like how the shaker resembles a grenade; although I'm really not trying to make a statement about salt, however, I do think the inference is intriguing. I also like the circular bands going around this shaker as it is a feature shared by "Sweet." I have the idea of adding "Spicy" to this series as well.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Basket o' Blueberries

6"x6" Oil on stretched canvas

I painting this with a palette knife and just love the texture. The texture does not come thru in this picture very well. I scanned the painting which captures the color better than a digital photograph, but has the effect of flattening out the texture. I'm currently working on a series of "Basket o' Berries" paintings. Once I have completed a few more, I'm planning to find a local venue to display them.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Notch

6"x6" Oil on masonite

I painted this with a palette knife. I am planning on painting this same scene as the seasons change.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

View from Memorial Hill

6"x6" Oil on stretched canvas

This view from Amherst College's Memorial Hill is quite amazing. I just love walking to this spot and looking out on the Holyoke Range with the playing fields right below.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


8"x6" Oil on canvas panel

I've had the idea of painting a gigantic ice cream cone all summer long. Now that the autumn is upon us, I had to bring my idea to fruition. I painted this mostly with a palette knife - click on the picture to see a closer view of the texture. Is this not the very epitome of summer?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dining Collage

8"x10" Acrylic and paper on masonite board

As promised, another painting featuring silverware. I like the complexity the collage adds - click on the picture to get a closer look.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Three Apples & Screen

15"x10" Acrylic on Strathmore smooth art board (gessoed)

Working from the same still life as "Three Apples," I added this screen to give the background some interest, which works well on this tall, portrait-oriented board. I like the contrast of the geometric shapes against the softness of the cloth - the horizontal bands of the screen with the round apples set off by the draping fabric. Just a quick note: unlike the masonite boards and stretched canvas, this art board (which is like a very heavy bristol board) will need to be framed (preferably behind glass) to hang.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Chris & Larry

8"x10" Oil on masonite board
in private collection

My friend, Peter, commissioned me to paint a portrait of his sister and her husband to give to them as a wedding gift. He sent me a wonderful photograph to work from and I'm so happy with the final result. A number of people in my critique group described it as very romantic which I was very pleased to hear. All the best to the happy couple - may the honeymoon last forever!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Three Apples

6"x4" Acrylic on canvas panel
in private collection

I like how the drapes in the cloth add a little drama to this petite painting.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Three Pears

8"x10" Oil on stretched canvas

Fruit is always such a wonderful subject to paint.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


6"x6" Oil on Masonite Board

I've been wanting to hang this up next to my coffee maker, but I don't have room in my kitchen! I immediately thought this was a sweet little painting, and I thought, "how appropriate given the subject matter."